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The lead to why designer handbags these as Coach, Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Fendi and a great deal of other persons are high priced is for the cause that most of them are hand-made and generated from prime leading top quality assets.Believe it or not authentic Chanel handbags are cheaper than replicas. Don't you think that the word replica such a cute and innocuous name for fake or phony?It is obvious you will spend more at first for a genuine authentic Chanel handbag. Yes I won't disagree there. If you will see the longer term picture however there is more to this story.
Authentic Chanel handbags retain their value for many years. The bag you will buy today will still be worth a lot in 5 years. This will not be true for a "replica". Fake bags do not even last that long. Truely fine supple leather is made with a much more time consuming process and lasts much longer than cheaper leather. Only the finest materials are used by Chanel. Beautiful Chanel handbags have been known to appreciate in value a lot over time since the some designs are so rare and differentTake some time learning the market you will see the trends.