Oils can also be diluted in vodka or brandy and dabbed on the bottom of the pet's paws or on an acupressure pointsuch as the tips of the ears. This is the technique to use if you are dealing with a panicky pet. Never feed your petalcohol or essential oil directly.Essential oils are also effective flea and tick repellents and are nearly as effective as sprays and powders thatcontain a lot of toxic chemicals. Oils such as peppermint, citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, geranium, bay andmyrrh have been components of herbal flea sprays and flea collars for many years. You can easily make your own fleaand tick spray by combining about 25 drops of any of these oils into eight ounces of water. Shake the mixture welland spray it on your pet, being careful to shield its eyes from mist. This mixture can also be sprayed anywhere thatyou suspect there may be a breeding bug infestation.
When using essential oils it is also essential for you to remember that a dog or cat's sense of smell is much more acute than our own. Signs that an aromatherapy treatment is too overwhelming for your pet are tearing eyes, sneezing, pacing or whining. Cats may lick themselves excessively and dogs may rub their head on the ground in order to escapethe smell. Many pets also have allergies to essential oils. For instance, chamomile is related to the ragweed plant,which is a common allergen for both pets and humans. This is why it is so important to use a mild solution at firstand use your powers of observation the first few times you use an essential oil mixture on a pet."
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